

I was ten, maybe eleven. Sitting in the field near our sheep, I wrapped an arm around each dog. On my lap was my stuffed bunny, Nester, who let me rest my chin between his ragged ears. Tucked in my jacket was my half filled journal. Looking down the hill, we three waited. Blackened hills, […]

Crushing Goals

For those of you who are using this time of Shelter in Place as a motivator and a focused time to crush your physical goals, I applaud you. I honor your tenacity and am openly jealous of your personal discipline. To clarify, jealousy means you have it, and I wish I did too—unlike envy where [...]

May Flowers Budding

It has been with such support and guidance, and also receiving the news that we will remain safe in shelter thought May, that I am FINALLY ready to launch this website and Zoom classes.  I have missed the connection and the energy, the music and the movement, but mostly the reminders we [...]

Some Sole Searching

For those of you who take my classes, you may be familiar with the foot pull at the end.  After an hour of grapevines, shuffles, squats and planks, we flop on our backs and rest, recover, receive.  Sometimes I will share some fleeting thought I had, sometimes David will read us his [...]

Monday and sometimes…

Just THANK YOU for showing up for classes, being out there, and in this together.  Here is the poem I shared after class today. I think it may be a Covid Classic for me. Not because it sinks us into dark or unanswerable questions.  But  because it strips away all the distractions [...]

Keep moving, and check in!

How you holding up while being holed in?  Have you found ways to be content(even briefly) in being here, right here, right now? Are small things-like rays of sunshine, cups of tea, slippers, dogs curled on the couch, old books, old friends-taking on a deeper meaning? It seems we are making [...]