about else


Else Green

A little bit about me

Fitness found me early in life. It was a doorway to my mental balance that I didn’t realize I needed. I started running as a teenager, accompanying my father on his jogging route. Walking in the door after a loop, there was a peace and solidity I didn’t have in the rest of my day. Soon after I found other venues of movement…aerobics (leg warmers and all), yoga, swimming, and whatever else that kept me moving.

I studied English and Psychology in college and became an elementary teacher right after school. Throughout my teaching career, my family began to grow. After thirteen years of teaching and four daughters later, I hung up my credential and stayed at home with my girls.

Yes, four daughters…and it was here that I learned more than I could have in any other arena. Parenting and guiding them by heart, hope, and a whole lot of stumbles has continued to be my greatest source of awe and wonder. I started to get antsy as they got older and began to lean towards the fitness industry as my next potential career. I inherently know that there was a peace I found in moving my body. The girls were my support team, continuously reminding me that change and growth were good and instilling belief I didn’t have in myself.

With their encouragement, a lot of highlighter pens, and the solace of a sequester library I became an NASM certified trainer. After several years personal training, I became group fitness instructor. I added Spin, TRX and Aqua Fitness classes to the repertoire, as well as working with small groups, special needs populations, and youth fitness. I then began studies in behavioral change, life coaching, meditation, and Pilates instruction. These have given me a greater sense of self awareness, intuitive guidance, and functional balance.

Just like my girls have been my greatest teachers, life has been the ever experimental classroom. It has been my own journey through family dynamics, mental health, and self acceptance that continue to guide me. And these are the small life lessons I stumble on that I try to bring to each class…whether it is through a reading, an experience, poetry, or personal story.

What I treasure most in working with others in this personal and connective place of fitness and movement is what we create together. It becomes a community of support, acceptance, and discovery. As we move, we share. And as we share we realize how much we can learn from one another. It seems every time a class concludes or a session ends, I leave with my own lessons leaned from the people I work with and my heart quite grateful for this path I am on.

Else Green
Trainer, Instructor, Coach