May Flowers Budding

 In Blog

It has been with such support and guidance, and also receiving the news that we will remain safe in shelter thought May, that I am FINALLY ready to launch this website and Zoom classes.  I have missed the connection and the energy, the music and the movement, but mostly the reminders we are adapting together and making it work, even for just our hour of  our laughter together. 

Along with my fire being lit, our JCC was also granted relief funds to support our employees and staff. The team has been deeply vested in envisioning what our return to community and fitness will be. And as we hunker in for another month of shelter, our Virtual Online Fitness will continue to be available. In addition, I will be back teaching FIT and Healthy Heart  in the very near future.  This is the May flower from my little April shower! When I received the news, the happy dance was unstoppable.  I have been delighted in knowing that many of you continued to keep those bodies moving in all the options our JCC has provided! I am deeply grateful to Deborah for filling in during my leave and hope you can all share the things you learn and love. In addition, Debora will be added to our schedule as our beloved Group Fitness Director, Stephanie, is adding more ways to keep our JCC family (and beyond) moving.

So, here are a few things I would like to share:

1. My website is a site – a real place where I can write notes to you, post pig videos, stay in touch AND offer my weekly schedule of classes. My JCC classes will be listed here as well. You can register here at my contact page: When I send out a newsletter or note or new class, you will receive an email linking you to the site and the latest post. This will be my new venue for connecting. And I am immensely appreciative of Amy Gardner who built it and built my belief in offering it.

2. The news about May remaining as Shelter in Place…yeah. We may have expected it.  But it’s hard.  So if you felt weary when you got the news, or right now, or tonight, you are not alone. We will adapt. We always do.  It takes time. This is one platitude I believe to be true.  Time does heal all things, perhaps just not the way we may want or expect.

3. However, I CANNOT adapt to one space after a period.  Along with SIP (shelter in place), they (Microsoft) announced that word processing programs will now be auto-correcting  two spaces after a period to one.  WHAT???  I am not sure how to handle this. I don’t want to adapt. Ever.  Period. But maybe, in time.

I miss you all.  SO VERY MUCH.  But I will be ZOOMing and grooving with you soon.  And when I say soon, I mean this Monday, May 4. So keep your eye on the JCC schedule and/or the class schedule on my site.

Until then, wear your masks and smile with your eyes.

Hugs from my heart to yours, 